How to fix if Infinix Phone Won't Send Text Messages

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Jide Mbaka

As social media is currently holding sway, the use of text messages — also called SMS (short message service) — has drastically reduced. Despite that, there are some instances where you’d prefer to send an SMS instead of a Facebook or WhatsApp chat to pass a message across to a contact. You might have run out of data or are in a location with a poor Internet connection. Whichever of these is the reason, many people still use text messaging — albeit at a lower rate than before.

If you’re having issues sending texts on your Infinix mobile phone, different things can be the culprit. Let’s walk you through some methods about how to fix Infinix phone that won’t send text messages.

 infinix not sending text messages

Check if your SIM has sufficient airtime to send SMS 

This is the most common cause of this issue. If your Infinix phone isn’t sending text messages, you might have exhausted your airtime or don’t have a sufficient amount left in your account.

If either of this is the case, you need to buy airtime on your line. You can do this easily via the Carlcare app. Start by launching it. Then, scroll down. Under Featured Services, you’ll see the Recharge option.

Tap on it to reveal various airtime amounts. Enter your phone number in the designated space on that tab and select the amount you want to recharge. Then, tap "Top up"; select your payment details; and press "Pay".   

Ensure your SIM card is inserted properly

Sometimes, your SIM card could have slipped out of its port. This usually happens when your device drops onto the floor or hits a hard object.

To fix the problem, simply remove your phone jacket (if it has one) and insert the SIM card properly.

Then, switch on your handset and try sending the message again. If this issue persists, give the next fix a try.

Check whether a signal is available

If there’s a poor network in your area, you might not be able to send an SMS. There are various issues that can bring about a signal outage or poor network in your area. These include harsh weather conditions, technical issues from your service provider, and others.

You can wait for the signal to be restored or consider using another line to send the text.

Reset SMS settings to default

If none of these above issues is the culprit, consider resetting your SMS setting to default. If you mistakenly tamper with any of the things, this step will correct it.

To do the reset, open your message app; tap on settings; and press "Reset to default" (or a similar option for this).  

Check for updates

You can also check to know if there are any available updates. Open the "Settings" app and tap "Software Update". If any update is available, download it.

Downloading updates can consume a lot of Internet data. Hence, ensure you have enough data before you proceed with the download. Alternatively, you can use WiFi.

Check whether the phone number is correct

If you made a mistake in entering the recipient’s phone number, your SMS won’t send. So, check the recipient’s phone number carefully to ensure no digit is missing or no wrong digit has been entered.

Go through the Error Message

Observe error message prompt (if any) while sending a message and do the settings based on that error message. Often, you can fix issues of this sort by simply going through what the prompt says and following the instruction there.

Call your service provider

Contact your SIM operator (service provider) to get the issue resolved. Sometimes, reaching out to your SIM operator is your best bet.

Clear the Message app cache

You can also clear your Message app cache. This could have become corrupted, especially following an update (as ironic as it may sound). To clear your message app cache, open the "Settings" app; scroll down; and press "Apps". Then, press the "Messages app" and tap "Storage". Lastly, tap "CLEAR CACHE".

Restart your phone 

If all else fails, consider restarting your phone. To restart it, don't utilize the standard method that involves holding the Lock button for 3secs, after which you’ll tap Power off. Instead, continue to hold the Lock button & the Volume Down until your device undergoes a forced power cycle.

Using this method of shutting down your phone will reset it and will typically solve any glitches.